Monday 22 September 2014

The new girl


For a while I have toyed with the idea of creating a personal website, where I can share my thoughts, tips, reviews and lifestyle updates. It excites me to think that a handful of you may actually enjoy what I write. So I'm throwing my collection of words out into the blogosphere, in hope that I can make you happy and occupy you for 5 minutes. 

Inspiration is kind of lovely when it happens, so when it does I'm going to grab that paper and scribble away. I aim to upload my online scribbles 1-2 times per week and gradually increase them as time goes on.

Hearing your thoughts on anything I write would be incredible, I welcome any feedback, comments and ideas for future blog posts.

What inspires you? When did you start your blog? Tell me... I'm intrigued.

Goodbye for now...