Tuesday 18 November 2014

Dear Diary... Anxiety Entry

"Dear Diary, 
Today was another bad day, I can't seem to shake off the negativity. I feel silly, abnormal and judged. The smallest things are getting to me, making me emotional and I'm just not able to concentrate on anything. 
I went for a meal earlier, I ordered Gammon and Chips without peas. God, how I hate peas, in fact, no, I fear having peas on my plate. Of course it came with them accompanying my meal, touching the chips. My body burned up, I felt hot. And sick. Sick to my stomach. 
My thoughts... What if the chips taste funny? I can't tell the waitress, she'll seriously think I'm a nut case. What if I don't eat it? Everyone will ask me why I have wasted food. Every ones looking at me. What if I have a panic attack?  
At this moment I was holding back the tears but it was overwhelming, I didn't know if I could stop the emotion. My hands felt the brunt of it, I couldn't stop scratching them. 
It happens so often, too often! I feel ridiculous, no one else I know gets like this and people do not understand. They tell me to snap out of it and to stop being silly. I wake up expecting to feel like this every day, and part of me just wants to avoid all social situations where I have to meet new people and face my every day pressures. I'm sure I'll get used to it... some day."

If you can relate to this in any way, you may have Anxiety. Don't worry... You're not alone. It's actually more common than you think and can be easily controlled. All the bad things you think are going to happen, usually amount to nothing and the situations are never as bad as it seems. I am in no way shape or form an expert on Anxiety or other Mental Health conditions, I'm just using my experience to hopefully help some of you. I hate the fact that sometimes my mind controls me a little too much and there's nothing I can do at that time. A few of the techniques that I have used, read about or been recommended are;

  • Well firstly, seek the help of your doctor. Be persistent, and don't let them shrug you off. They may give you medication or refer you for therapy. 
  • Talk to someone, doesn't matter who. Vent your worries and how your feeling. Try to make them understand.
  • Gentle Exercise
  • Plenty of sleep. You will tend to feel more vulnerable when your tired.
  • Try meditation music or relaxation music. Just lay there for a while with your earphones in and shut out all your worries.
  • It's also good to avoid coffee or alcohol.
  • Don't run...Face it! Say yes! You will feel SO proud of yourself. (Oh and yes I did eat my meal... I managed to face the situation... eventually.) 
  • If your having a particularly negative, unhappy day... Sit down and write down all the positives in your day and what makes you happy in your life. 
Never think that you're being silly or ridiculous. You're not, it matters to you and it affects you.

Don't suffer in silence, get help, talk to anyone, look on anxiety forums etc.
Click HERE for professional information on anxiety and other Mental Health conditions.

Be happy. Be positive. You can do it.

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